Friday, July 17, 2015

Working on Being a Better Blogger - Part II

If you haven't received the news that I've become a "blogger..." I apologize!  Welcome!  Maybe you're interested in following me, maybe not.  My feelings won't be hurt!  I thought I'd give you the opportunity.

Ok, here is the address.

Save it.  Bookmark it.  Do whatever you need to find it to remember that's where you'll find me now...and future posts!

This blogging process has been interesting in a few ways.  First, it's teaching me to be more disciplined about my writing.  And I've learned that it's much better to post as I go - not try to back up and add old information, old pictures and info about travel in the past.  Thanks, Mike, for that confirmation!  I've had a lot going on these past couple of months - way too busy - and I played catch up this month with posts that I didn't want forgotten, pictures that I wanted to share.  Going forward I'll try to make this more timely.  Not a promise, but I'll try!

Also, it's teaching me to be more organized (is that possible?) about what I want to say and the sequence of posting pictures and words not just for me but for a wider audience.  I've learned that I need to put the photos I want to upload in proper order or sequence before I upload them.  This free site has some limited features (oh darn, once again - you get what you pay for!) and I've considered buying an app that would give me more options but so far this is it.

I started this site back in March when I left Illinois.  Many friends wanted to follow me and hear how my travels were going.  I thought this was a good idea.  I still think it's a good idea.  But.  There often is a "but," isn't there?

This free site only allows me to add ten names to be automatically updated via an email.  I have MORE than ten folks on my list ... so that process hasn't been working for me.  At times I've written a post and emailed it directly to folks I thought would be interested.  Other times I sent posts to the bigger list of friends and family.

I wondered if you googled my name if you'd find my blog.  And I've asked a few of you to try that or google jrzygrlonthemove.  Some found the site, some didn't.  Then I had a EUREKA moment!  If I just sent out the URL....everyone could find my blog anytime they want.  Duh!!!!

I don't think, for one moment, that you have nothing better to do than to check out my blog or email me back when I send you an email!  Therefore I'm sending you this link...and from here forward you'll need to bookmark the link and go back to it IF AND WHEN you want to know what's going on with this jersey girl!  Ok?

And I have a request for you.  I love hearing from my friends and family - always!  And, please feel free to comment right on the blog, on the bottom where there is a space that allows you to do that.  I love getting comments!

Thanks for being my blogger "friend."


Comments welcome!