Friday, November 13, 2015

This is How They Make Them!

While traveling thru Alabama we stopped at Tiffin Manufacturing, the manufacturer of the motorhome Don purchased.  There were a few things on his list to have checked or modified.  While in town we decided to take their factory tour and see how these RV's are made.  Tiffin is just about the only show in town in Red Bay, Alabama, at every turn you see a motorhome being driven.  There are several camp sites where folks can stay while waiting for work to be completed.  What is even more amazing is that you can stay in your motorhome while it is worked on!

We arrived at the Welcome Center, a small building onsite.  There were rows of chairs set up and most of the folks that arrived ahead of us were also Tiffin motorhome owners.  There was a short video introducing Bob Tiffin and his sons and explaining a little history about the company.  

After the video we strolled over to the factory and I was quite surprised to see that we would be walking in and around the work stations in the factory as employees did their job.  There was a path that was clear for the group to stroll from one work station to the next.  Most of the folks working didn't acknowledge that we were there.  Guess they're used to tours as Tiffin offers a factory tour daily, Monday thru Friday at 9:30 am.

Tiffin motorhomes are pretty high end and all cabinets and woodwork are solid wood.  There is a good amount of cutting, sanding, trimming, etc. done in the beginning stations of the tour as the cabinets are being made.

This particular staton is where cabinet doors are made.  Below you can see sections of cabinets being built.

Picture this going around the yard!

I was fascinated with the chassis of the motor homes.

Here they are all lined up for the final inspection before they are shipped off to folks waiting for them!

The engine!

When you see one of these motorhomes coming down the road, this is what is underneath that beautiful exterior, in and under and around the windshields!

This machine finishes the parts that will be the sides of the motor home.  In the picture below you can see the labels for the drivers side wall and the passenger side walls.

These folks were not distracted by all of us tromping thru their work space!

This is one of the wagons they use to move parts around in the factory, I like it, it reminded me of children's red wagons.

He's standing inside - on the floor of the motorhome.

It's truly like putting a huge mechanical puzzle together.

The rear end.

Looking more like a motorhome, no?

The new motorhomes have incredible bathrooms!  Check out this shower stall.

Some of the cabinets that go in the main living space area.

These two pictures are of a piece of roof structure that gets hoisted up in the air and placed on a motorhome.

Living room sections.

Bedroom section or what will be a slide out for the bedroom.

Walking thru the wire section was amazing!  Spools and spools of colors. 

These two folks work all day on "threading" particular wires on this board that will be installed in sections of the motorhome.  The lady was real FAST at her job.

It was AMAZING to tour the factory and see how these motorhomes are made from top to bottom!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

This is REAL Barbecue

Hungry and wanting to try some good southern barbecue - this was rated high on Yelp.  Right off the interstate - as the sign says.  Exit 87 BBQ.  If you go too fast, you'll miss it.  And we weren't disappointed.  Great ribs, beans and slaw.  Welcome to Tennessee!

The mascot at the entrance:


Saturday, November 7, 2015

On The Road Again...

It's been a long dry spell for me and my Blog.  Boo-Hoo.

Started way back in June.  Computer issues.  Non-stop.  Just ended with a SECOND restore to my MacBook Air.  Complete wipe of my hard drive...twice.  Almost didn't make it.  Not sure what that would mean but - GIVE ME A BREAK!

So much to say now and catch up on.

Left Illinois in the big bus today at about 2:30 pm.  Arrived in Effingham, Illinois (about 200+miles) about 6:30.  Nice ride, clear skies, sunshine - and early darkness!

I'm back.  Stay tuned...tomorrow heading to Tennessee.  Then Alabama and final stop where the bus will be "based" for a couple months in Florida.  Sunny Florida.  I hope.  See ya' Illinois!

Yes, you can see from the picture it's definitely the end of fall in Illinois...and it's time for all of us that want to run away from winter - to head south!

This was a great first stop!  If you look at the picture below there is a lake at the end of the road.  This would be a fun campground in warmer weather!