Friday, April 17, 2015

The Birthday Punch

Waking up on my birthday in San Francisco was a treat!  It was wonderful to be in such a beautiful place - with my son Tim.

My plans included meeting some folks from my ankle replacement support page on Facebook that live in the SF area.  Don Bradner is one of the administrators of the page, and lives north in Eureka.  His one year follow up appointment was scheduled for the 13th and he said he would meet me for breakfast.  Another person on the Facebook page, Stephanie, lives north in Marin County and she was willing to meet us as well.

Tim found a nearby cafe as a meeting place for breakfast for us, Just for You Cafe, and I got a Lyft ride at 9 am to the restaurant.  I arrived first,  Then Don, then Stephanie.  We had a nice chat about our ankle surgeries and recovery.

Don and I enjoyed talking and meeting a little longer and I had some questions for him about his RV and travels.  It was getting close to his appointment time, so we went to his car and he drove over to UCSF, where we said our goodbyes and I called another Lyft ride to take me to the Apple store downtown.

Apple sent an invite to me in an email to try on the new Apple watch.  I've been curious about it and made a reservation for 12 noon.  Tim sent me a text and asked if he could join me - so we met at the Apple store.  It was fun to try on the new watch and hear a little about the different styles and price ranges.  I had no intention of ordering one or buying one - yet.

After the watch preview Tim had to get back to work.  It was a gorgeous day and there was a cable car line nearby - Powell and Hyde St.  I decided it would be fun to hop on a cable car and take a ride around the city.

This car took me all the way down to Fisherman's Wharf, where the ride ended.  I got off and there was a coffee shop, so I stopped in and had a chai tea.  After a little rest I went back out and got in line again to take another cable car ride back downtown.

I decided to get off before the end of the line, at Union Square.  Union Square is a beautiful block that has been made into a park.  There are lots of park benches, tables with umbrellas where you could bring a picnic lunch, a statue in the middle and a restaurant or two around the outside that serves food.  It was sunny and warm.

As I was sitting in the sun, my phone rang and it was Emma and Will - singing Happy Birthday to me!

After an hour or so Tim sent me a message asking if I wanted to meet him for dinner at a very fancy smanshee restaurant, The Top of the Mark.  So I needed to get my ride home and change clothes and meet him.  We were meeting about 5:30 for early dinner before his class.

I walked a block away from Union Square and stopped next to a building to send a message to Lyft for a ride back to Tim's apartment.  All of a sudden I could hear a car's brakes squeal, and I could see a man running across the street, in front of a car.  

The man almost got hit, and he had an angry look on his face, and was yelling at the driver, who was yelling back.  

He ran up the curb and towards me and PUNCHED me in the hand - the hand that was holding my phone.  My fingers were tight around the phone, so it did not go flying - and the "bad" man kept walking away from me.  Two other men were nearby and they yelled IDIOT at him - as the bad man kept walking away from us.  

I was so shocked, and this happened so fast!  

My Lyft car arrived, I got in and was happy to be on my way back to Tim's.  My hand was a little bruised and sore for a couple of days.  

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