Thursday, January 5, 2017

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

I FINALLY made it to Mexico!  When I lived in California, I always thought we would make a trip south to Mexico - but the boys were young and we had other priorities.  (Disney World)

In the months prior to the trip, I wondered what it would be like.  Would I get sick?  I know a number of people that have had that experience.  Would the beaches be as beautiful as my beloved Jersey Shore?  What is the food like?  What is the city like?  So many questions.

The resort I had the opportunity to enjoy was an Amber NOW resort.  All inclusive.  Again, a first for me.  I heard about how the drinks flow...and I was not surprised and I enjoyed a Margarita every night!

Upon arrival we were hit hard with a sales pitch to buy a timeshare.  That was NOT going to happen - but they put on a pretty hard sell for it.  After we sat and listened to the pitch, we were not bothered again for the rest of the week.

Most of the week we stayed at the resort.  One day we ventured out for a bus tour of the area and what turned out for me to be a TREACHEROUS ride up a mountain to an area where there was a family tequila business.  So I enjoyed seeing a bit of the countryside.  But the bus trip was scary enough for me - the bus driver drove like a crazy man - that I really had a hard time enjoying the tour.

Another night we went in to town for dinner at a fabulous local place, Pipi's.  Margarita's were amazing, guac was good, tortilla's were great, mexican ice cream was fantastic...all around a great time!

By the middle of the week I started with a sore throat and it continued to get worse every day and upon arrival back in the states I had a full blown head cold and stuffy head.  Aside from that, I managed to enjoy my time in Mexico.

Drinks were good at the resort but food in most of the restaurants was only so-so.  A bit of a disappointment.

Beaches were pretty, there was so much activity - horseback riding, boating, jet skis, water ski, tubing, etc.  No one seemed to be in the water - most guests enjoyed the pools.

Here's the best picture of the week:

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