Well, I've added a few new friends emails to my list of people that will get updates of my blog posts.
What I've learned in these past couple of months since I resigned from my job in Illinois, is that I have a lot of things I like to do and not enough time to do them!
My intention was to write and post as I traveled. I quickly learned that it wasn't possible, because every where I went I was visiting with friends and family. AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT AND DIDN'T WANT TO BREAK AWAY TO WRITE.
I did manage to write a few posts so you'll have to check them out if you're curious and have time.
So now that I'm in Rhode Island and I have some quiet time, I'm going to refer to my journal and my picture libraries and recap my travels and share them here.
I like this a lot better than Facebook. I prefer to share these thoughts and travels with a smaller group...so thanks for following along with me. You have a choice to check out what I post or not.